I'm very excited to announce that I am working on a Series of Workshops that focuses on topics I have been sharing one on one with some of you over the years. I am hoping for your help to select the topics and details that I will move forward with.

Each workshop will have a "Learning, Evolving & Co-Creation" component to it and will be offered throughout 2019 in a few different ways. Here are a few more details:

-        They will be offered at our Visions in the Woods shop (min 6 people, max 12)
-        Each Workshop will be 2-3 hours in length
-        Your Birth Chart will be utilized to assist you in getting to know more about yourself.
-        Each month (starting in April) I will offer a new topic with set dates, with room for 
         requests for other dates as long as we can gather a minimum of 6 people.
-        I will travel offsite as a guest to other spiritual/health gatherings or events 
-        Cost of Workshops will range from $25-$100 (length & materials required varies) 

The following is a list of topics and details I am considering, and would be very grateful to get your feedback & level of interest. All participants will be entered to WIN a FREE Workshop of their Choice: Please check as many boxes as you like