Whether you have a spiritual practice or are just beginning, we know it is universally accepted that the Moon has influence over our human experience in one form or another.

The scope of influence goes far beyond the Moon’s energy alone. There are many Astrological influences that have incredible, remarkable and even magical influences on our experience as well!

To get the most benefit from these energies to co-create the life of your dreams, working with them intentionally and consistently, is much more powerful than passively.

Coming together, combining our energies and adding Crystals, Essential Oils and other modalities to our practices, not only amplifies our intentions but also connects us to the plant, mineral and unseen realms that sends ripples of connecting and higher vibrational energy out to the rest of the world, that lifts us all up.

I’ve struggled to maintain a consistent practice working with all these gifts that are available to all of us, and I know I am not alone in this. So my intention is to offer monthly New Moon Classes and Full Moon Fire Ceremonies to help us all strengthen our practices and experience the power of us growing together.

Each Month we will focus on the current astrological and elemental energies and the tools we have to help support our experiences with them and how we can maximize our intentions/wishes to bring them in being. I also see future opportunities for community collaboration and evolving activities to meet our community’s needs. 

If you have ideas of things you would like to learn or be shared and have incorporated into our monthly gatherings, send Deborah an email at [email protected]

I hope you will join us each month to support your spiritual journey and co-create the life of your dreams.

- Deborah


Moon Light Walk & Fire Ceremony!

At the Full Moon Walk & Fire Ceremony, we will be engaging in various Releasing Activities and Ceremonies! We will Connect with the Sacred Elemental Stone Circle! I will share best practices when Charging and Utilizing your crystals and Essential Oils. We will bring together and put into practice everything we covered in the class! We will Celebrate Each Other... WE WILL SURRENDER, AND LET GO!

Special Guest Jennifer Hodowsky of Wishing Timber will also be joining us to share her very special Botanicals and Her Wishing Timber Sachets.

When: Wednesday, October 20th @ 7:30-9:00

Location: Fire Circle at Visions in the Woods

Cost: $39 ( A $75.00 Value)

What's Included:

- Quartz & Black Tourmaline Crystals

- A Love & Power Journal

- A Selection of Essential Oils

- An Essential Oils Usage Guide
- A Wishing Timbers Sachet

- Releasing Herbs & Botanicals (courtesy of Wishing Timbers)

- A Powerful Experience!

Register Here:

Once you have registered a Map to Our Location

Will be emailed to You Closer to the Day of the Event.



Full Moon Walk & Fire Ceremony. $39 ($75 Value)