While there is some controversy surrounding the essential oils on animals, when used
properly, essential oils can be part of a well-rounded program to help your pets live
happy, healthy lives. Just as it is of key importance to use pure essential oils on yourself and your family, you should use only high-quality, pure essential oils with your pets.

Essential oils have numerous benefits for your pets. They can help with calming
emotions, soothing muscles, deodorizing unpleasant aromas, and maintaining overall
wellness for your furry family members.

As with any new product you introduce to your pet, begin slowly.
• Start small. Start with a small amount of a diffused or diluted essential oil, and
  then observe your pet’s behavior.

• Diffuse. Keep your diffusers in a safe place where your pet can’t knock it over.
  When you’re diffusing, be sure to use a water-based diffuser and only diffuse four
  to five drops at a time in an open area, where your pet can leave the room if desired.

• Dilute. Before using oils topically on your pets, first consult with your veterinarian.
  Always dilute essential oils down to 1–2 percent (100 drops of a carrier oil for every 
  one drop of essential
Essential Oils & Safety for Pets PDF click here
It’s important to keep our pets in mind as we use essential oils in our homes. Dogs and
cats in particular have 200–300 million olfactory receptors (humans have only 5–6
million). Their sense of smell is very sensitive, so when you are diffusing, be sure to use a water-based diffuser and only diffuse 4–5 drops at a time in an open area where your pet can leave the room if desired.
Due to this sensitivity, there are a few oils to avoid with pets. Of course, we can
use other oils instead. Here are a few suggestions:

* Instead of Tea Tree (Melaleuca), use Geranium, Arborvitae, Myrrh, or Cedarwood.

* Instead of Wintergreen, use Copaiba, Frankincense, or AromaTouch.

* Instead of Cassia, use On Guard, Oregano, or Thyme.

Many oils can support the various body systems of your animals. When using oils
topically with pets, be sure to consult with your veterinarian first. Always dilute oils down to 1–2 percent prior to application (100 drops of a carrier oil for every one drop of essential oil). Dilute even more for animals that are less than 10 lbs/5kg.

Cardiovascular Support: Helichrysum, Cypress, Marjoram, Copaiba

Digestive Support: doTERRA DigestZen®, Ginger, Cardamom, Fennel, Coriander

Endocrine Support: Myrrh, Lemongrass, Geranium

Immune Support: Rosemary, Copaiba, doTERRA On Guard®, Melissa

Integumentary Support: Lavender, Frankincense, Myrrh, Helichrysum, Cedarwood,
Geranium, Spikenard, Roman Chamomile, Melissa

Musculoskeletal Support: Frankincense, Copaiba, doTERRA AromaTouch®, Marjoram

Nervous System Support: Copaiba, Helichrysum, Turmeric, Sandalwood, Balance®

Respiratory Support: doTERRA Breathe®, doTERRA On Guard®, Cardamom, Rosemary, Arborvitae

Urinary Tract Support: Copaiba, Lemongrass, Juniper Berry, doTERRA Zendocrine®